I stumbled across this song and became addicted. It is an oldy but goody from a one hit wonder. But, compared to the crap out today. This was and still is the Shyt. Anybody know what happened to him? Is he frying chicken at Roscoe's or flipping burgers at Mickie D's? How does talent like this just disappear yet folks like P. Diddy aka Puffy and T-Pain are around. URGHHHHH!! The injustice!! This maybe the reason the world is lacking in real love. This is the kind of stuff that can make panties instantly dissolve. Not that crap that the lame brothers listen to now. Someone with a half way decent voice better get on the remake tip real quick. Now the love songs are all about hoing brothers trying to make good and ghetto love. Are ghetto folks the only folks falling in love now days? I need some feedback on this one. Tell me if you are feeling this like I am!!!!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
I stumbled across this song and became addicted. It is an oldy but goody from a one hit wonder. But, compared to the crap out today. This was and still is the Shyt. Anybody know what happened to him? Is he frying chicken at Roscoe's or flipping burgers at Mickie D's? How does talent like this just disappear yet folks like P. Diddy aka Puffy and T-Pain are around. URGHHHHH!! The injustice!! This maybe the reason the world is lacking in real love. This is the kind of stuff that can make panties instantly dissolve. Not that crap that the lame brothers listen to now. Someone with a half way decent voice better get on the remake tip real quick. Now the love songs are all about hoing brothers trying to make good and ghetto love. Are ghetto folks the only folks falling in love now days? I need some feedback on this one. Tell me if you are feeling this like I am!!!!
Monday, May 14, 2007

Lately, I have been feeling like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. Do you remember that scene where Dorothy reaches the crossroad and the sign post had all these different places to go listed? But, the fork in the road only had a right and left. So many choices but, only two actually places. Which one was the road that would get her to her ultimate destination? Which one lead her to The Emerald City? Which one lead her home?
Right, now before me I have so many choices laid out. All of them lead somewhere "else" than where I am right now. All of them provide me options to a "different life". But, all of them don't lead me to home. I am ready to move on with my life ...meaning moving forward. I want to really "Live it".
I recently lost a friend to the tragic ,senseless, selfish act of suicide. This has hurt me to the core. She was truly a good person. But, when I reflect on her life from my perspective she had been just "existing" for years. She was accomplishing all the things that society leads us to believer are crowns of achievement. She had a good job, owned a home, nice things....but she never possessed her hearts desire. I wonder when she came to her crossroad did she just not know where to go? Did she stand there so long and did the pain from not being able to choose become so great that she just couldn't...well she ..just couldn't?
I use to give away the book "Oh, The Places You'll Go" by Dr. Seuss as a present to friends/family who were graduating. This book encouraged the adventure in you. Encouraged you to follow all the possibilities before you. But, as we all know sometimes life can steal of us that desire to venture outside of the unplanned , plan of life.
Eventually, if we never satisfy that urge we wake up here at the crossroad. Staring blankly at our options then at the roads, looking over to our friends, taking in their opinions and then back at our options again. We can stand there forever. Sometimes we back track and get distracted but, then we wander right back. Right back at the crossroad.
So here I am...trying to figure out what road"I" want to take. Hoping in the end I pick the right one.
Friday, May 11, 2007

So.... I went jail.
It's not even a glamorous story. I got pulled over and had a unpaid ticket that lead to subsequent warrant. Well.. with all that motion. There I was locked up. Funny..heck yea' that's funny. When I made my first collect call to my family and heard the "You have a call from an Inmate at xxxxx County Jail.
I had to laugh at myself.
But, even while in there I had to examine my part in all this. Well, outside of the obvious. I had been asking God and mentally focusing on closing doors and resolving unresolved issues. I am the reigning Queen of "I will do it later." As a a child that had serious consequences like but butt whippings from mom. But, now .. yea that stuff lands you in jail. Ok, that maybe a little extreme. But, clearly it happens.
The moral of this story is: Be specific when you pray....be careful what you ask for you just may get it....What you send out in the universe is what comes back to you...etc...
I am sure there is an Aesop Fable related to this.
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