Everyday I grow more appreciative of the person I am becoming. It’s like watching a great artist creating a masterpiece. Like any work of art not every stroke is genius but,in the end ALL leads to the overall beauty and brilliance. I am constantly growing more grateful for the good and the bad that comes my way. Knowing in the end it all leadsTo the beauty and brilliance that is ME!!! I have always loved me, but have never been in love with me. I am falling in love with the person I am and the person I am becoming. However, just like any other relationship it requires some work. I have become careful about my thoughts. How I see life and how I see the life I want to live. I am careful about my actions, about what I project out in the universe. I am just like everyone else and have created my fair share of trifling acts which the universe has so politely paid me back for in the most painful ways. Trust I am not so ignorant as to think that bad won’t be fall me in the future or that I will never do any wrong. I am not disillusioned by me at all. But, my choices are just that. They are becoming thought out “choices” versus “actions”. That one fact alone I am grateful for.The other thing is I am fully aware of the mind, body, soul, speech connections. Although, I am frustrating the hell out of my friends and family by taking the extraseconds it takes to me to reply to questions or conduct just everyday conversation. But, I have discovered it is necessary that my thoughts, words and heart all line up. If it is not part of the picture I am projecting for the life I want. I don’t let it come out of my mouth and if it enters my mind. I dismiss it. Here is my example: Yesterday a friend asked me if I wanted to join him for lunch. The thought that came was" Naw, I am so broke right now." But, I dismissed that thought and said “Thanks for the offer but, lunch isn't in my budget this week. I refuse to claim lack of any kind in my life. I REFUSE.Stop thinking “ Dang, what fantasy land has she taken up residence in” NONE!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!But, after reading a lot of theories and books over the last six months about the Law of Attraction, and creating your purpose and the life you “really” want. I know that is all possible. Who can’t be in love with me if I am in love with me? Like attracts like.
Ok,I just wanted to share the “I love me glow!!” Can you see it? Yea baby!!!I am finding the DIV-ine in DIVA !!!
1 comment:
Wow... I like this one a lot. It is true that if you are not in love with yourself and you do not belive in yourself... why would you expect others too. I hope that you continue with your change.
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