Friday, June 01, 2007

Main Entry:
Pronunciation: \-ˈchan-təd\
Function: adjective
Date: 1832

I have discovered I am disenchanted with my life. I totally love that word. It is not as gloomy as disappointed and it does not make you sound as lazy as dissatisfied. I am disenchanted.

It all stems from my burning desire to leave Colorado. Something about the same streets and landmarks all of it is just….disenchanting!! I hate the flood of memories that come with my daily drive and my usual routine. It may be also I have never lived anywhere else as long as I have lived here. Most of my life I bounced back and forth between Virginia and Ohio. I never really got the chance to be bored with either.

I have a cousin that is a nomad where she wants to go and live she does. She has been that way since she became legally. Newly engaged she has convinced her fiancé to move to New Orleans ( or back to ) with her. She wants to be part of the restoration, the re-birth. Something in me admires that.

I am not tied to Colorado in any way. My sister and brother have successfully independent lives of their own. There isn’t any matter that can’t be remedied with a quick plane ride or an extensive phone call. My mother left Colorado ions ago. No question as to why this is not on her list of retirement choices either.

I have my choice. The world is my oyster. Problem is I can’t find my pearl. I have the chance to go to Arizona with “the man “not totally against it. At times I am even all about it. But, that waivers (as my decisions often do). I considered Houston, Texas as an option. But, one of my friends attempted to move there recently and hobbled back something about the crime. Then I considered Charlotte, NC. It is a good mix of country and city for me and the girls. I would be closer to Virginia where my crazy daddy lives. Close to Atlanta where I can get in a lot of trouble then drive back home and act like it never happened. But, I am looking for more or something different.

I feel like the old Diana Ross song “ Do you know where you going to?” My answer is HELL NO!!!

I don’t know how to quite go from disenchanted back to enchanted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a great post. Disenchanted is a great word. What's even better is the fact that you recognize your disenchantment and you are actively working to do something about it.

I'm proud of you.

PS: I vote for Charlotte. It's where my little brother lives and I like your theory about Atlanta! :-)