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Middle English damesel, from Anglo-French dameisele, from Vulgar Latin *domnicella young noblewoman, diminutive of Latin domina lady
Date: 13th century
: a young woman: aarchaic : a young unmarried woman of noble birth b: girl
I was talking to my eternal friend last night and we were discussing has life has changed us. Ok, we were really talking about how life has changed me. In the conversation I told her I was tired of being in need. That since my lay-off and divorce that I have allowed life to beat me down and live me there in essence I was tired (she also reminded me I make that claim at least once a month). Anyway, I then said that I was tired of being a damsel in distress and I miss the confident self reliant person I use to be. With her infinite wisdom she replied “Yea, I don’t remember you ever being a damsel much less one in distress”, Dang, I had to laugh at that one myself. That was indeed funny. After, our conversation ended I sat and thought about what she said.
I remember a line from one of my favorite movies Under The Tuscan Sun. When the one friend says to the Diane Lane character” Sometimes you become so comfortable in your unhappiness you stay there.” Or something like that.
It was true. Before my tussle with life I did live more on my own terms. Well, completely on my own terms. I have allowed my situation to define and in turn change me. Now, don’t get me wrong. I have also learned some valuable life lessons these past few years that have changed me for the better. I am a little softer around the edges. But, now I feel like my diva is being compromised. Of course, this is a revelation to me only because as my friend told me last night she has been saying this forever. Funny … funny...
Then I looked up the word Damsel and in essence it means girl. GIRL.. GIRL ---as in child. I have become a girl losing my womanly status. That spoke volumes to me. Now my friend (I need to give her a blog name) has been my friend practically since birth. She has seen the many evolutions of me and to think through all of those she never saw me as a GIRL.. until now. WOW…
I just can’t get my head around it.
I am beginning my campaign to find the woman in me again keeping some of the lessons I have learned thus far. Fighting for what it is I think I deserve instead of settling for what life hands me. I say the same to my friend. I see you heading down that road. DO NOT FOLLOW THAT PATH…Fight back. So you won’t be a damsel in distress..
One entry found.
Main Entry:
Middle English damesel, from Anglo-French dameisele, from Vulgar Latin *domnicella young noblewoman, diminutive of Latin domina lady
Date: 13th century
: a young woman: aarchaic : a young unmarried woman of noble birth b: girl
I was talking to my eternal friend last night and we were discussing has life has changed us. Ok, we were really talking about how life has changed me. In the conversation I told her I was tired of being in need. That since my lay-off and divorce that I have allowed life to beat me down and live me there in essence I was tired (she also reminded me I make that claim at least once a month). Anyway, I then said that I was tired of being a damsel in distress and I miss the confident self reliant person I use to be. With her infinite wisdom she replied “Yea, I don’t remember you ever being a damsel much less one in distress”, Dang, I had to laugh at that one myself. That was indeed funny. After, our conversation ended I sat and thought about what she said.
I remember a line from one of my favorite movies Under The Tuscan Sun. When the one friend says to the Diane Lane character” Sometimes you become so comfortable in your unhappiness you stay there.” Or something like that.
It was true. Before my tussle with life I did live more on my own terms. Well, completely on my own terms. I have allowed my situation to define and in turn change me. Now, don’t get me wrong. I have also learned some valuable life lessons these past few years that have changed me for the better. I am a little softer around the edges. But, now I feel like my diva is being compromised. Of course, this is a revelation to me only because as my friend told me last night she has been saying this forever. Funny … funny...
Then I looked up the word Damsel and in essence it means girl. GIRL.. GIRL ---as in child. I have become a girl losing my womanly status. That spoke volumes to me. Now my friend (I need to give her a blog name) has been my friend practically since birth. She has seen the many evolutions of me and to think through all of those she never saw me as a GIRL.. until now. WOW…
I just can’t get my head around it.
I am beginning my campaign to find the woman in me again keeping some of the lessons I have learned thus far. Fighting for what it is I think I deserve instead of settling for what life hands me. I say the same to my friend. I see you heading down that road. DO NOT FOLLOW THAT PATH…Fight back. So you won’t be a damsel in distress..