Oh, El. I became a woman that night. My love affair with El continued long past "Rhythm of the Night" and "Who's Johnny". A superstar before his time that is what Eldra was to me.
I am single 30+ Diva of two very exasperating (pre-teens)and this is my journey. I spent my 30+ years letting life create me. This is my journey on how I create life. The life I want. I am determined to find the DIV-ine in Diva!!
Then I think about the women:
WOMEN OF DENVER. WE MUST UNITE AND REFUSE TO HELP THIS BROTHER ROUND OUT HIS TEAM..LEAGUE.. I MEAN FAMILY TO AN EVEN NUMBER OF 10. I am sure he dying to spread his seeds in the western states. But, we can show him we are smarter than that.
Seriously, this is pure non sense. I blame not only Mr. Henry but the women he procreated with. His game can't be that tight and there can't be that many women looking at getting knocked up by a pro baller like getting a winning scratch ticket. (I stand corrected apparently there are 9 that have come across Travis Henry's path alone). I am outraged and appalled. I am also embarrassed for him because he ain't got enough damn sense to be embarrassed for himself. I hope he has learned. According to news reports all 9 mommas are lawyering up and seeking support which means it could result in 9 different lawyers across several jurisdictions. To me that all equals a big = Broke sign. Enjoy your new 100,000 chain and your new 100,000 car Mr. Henry. Seems like that may be your LAST taste of luxury for minute. I bet you wish you had spent 10.00 on some condoms now.
Well, I am done. I need to and put on my TRAVIS HENRY IS MY BABY DADDY'S SHIRT.