Let's talk about this dude. Travis Henry Denver Bronco's #20. As a resident of Denver and a female I feel it is necessary that I share this story with the public. Women in Denver must be aware of his ummm"numbers" . We must avoid at all cost being added to his umm"team". Mr. Henry made nationwide news this week because simply because at the age of 28 he has managed to procreate with 9 different women resulting in 9 different children spread across 4 southern states. He is making a little team of his own. Dare I say a new league. The TFL maybe? Wow.. yea. Let that sink in for a minute. Apparently, Mr. Henry believed when God's commandment to populate the earth was personal request to him alone. And, it only fitting that this story came to light because he has failed to pay child support. Which I totally understand. Clearly, if this brother pays child support and properly supports all 9 of his offspring he would be flat broke. There is no NFL contract in the world that properly support his little football team in the making.
Let's dig deeper shall we. First, it clear Mr. Henry likes to "get around" and do so unprotected. I shudder at the thought of the possible STD cocktail he could be brewing in jock strap. The team attendant should refuse to wash his anything. Demanding he take his stuff home to be washed.
Here are my major concerns about this:
- He has not repeat offenders. He doesn't have two with one chick and three with the other. No stories of long term relationships or marriages. NOPE, nine chicks, nine kids. Brotha' is taking hitting and quitting to a whole 'nother level.
- Then I think about the ones he sexed and didn't use protection and by the grace of God did not get pregnant. I get sick at the thought of the numbers.
- How many I can't use condom excuses can you have at the age of 28. Did he tell each of them a different one. 1. I can't find one big enough 2. It broke 3. I am allergic...dang I run out after three. Maybe, that was the problem.
Then I think about the women:
- I can see 1 and 2
- I will excuse 3 maybe 4( but that is shaky)
- but 4,5 and 6 need a firm conversation. When you ask a brother especially a brotha you hooked up with that plays pro..any sport his history. Isn't one of your questions How many kids do you have? Strike that. I would hope that when you interview any candidate you are even remotely considering sharing your good with "How many kids do you have?" And, when he said 3,4,5..why didn't they say " Hell naw, we can't even hold hands and we sure as HELL can't do it without protection".
- Then there is 7,8 and 9. They just don't have no damn excuse at all. No damn excuse.
WOMEN OF DENVER. WE MUST UNITE AND REFUSE TO HELP THIS BROTHER ROUND OUT HIS TEAM..LEAGUE.. I MEAN FAMILY TO AN EVEN NUMBER OF 10. I am sure he dying to spread his seeds in the western states. But, we can show him we are smarter than that.
Seriously, this is pure non sense. I blame not only Mr. Henry but the women he procreated with. His game can't be that tight and there can't be that many women looking at getting knocked up by a pro baller like getting a winning scratch ticket. (I stand corrected apparently there are 9 that have come across Travis Henry's path alone). I am outraged and appalled. I am also embarrassed for him because he ain't got enough damn sense to be embarrassed for himself. I hope he has learned. According to news reports all 9 mommas are lawyering up and seeking support which means it could result in 9 different lawyers across several jurisdictions. To me that all equals a big = Broke sign. Enjoy your new 100,000 chain and your new 100,000 car Mr. Henry. Seems like that may be your LAST taste of luxury for minute. I bet you wish you had spent 10.00 on some condoms now.
Well, I am done. I need to and put on my TRAVIS HENRY IS MY BABY DADDY'S SHIRT.
1 comment:
That was frickin' hilarious and so true. You are a complete nut.
There is a judge here in Ohio that comes up with all of these controversial sentences for offenders. A while back he ordered a guy to get a vasectomy or serve some inordinate period of time in jail. There were protests by the ACLU, but dude opted for the snip-snip.
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