Monday, February 04, 2008

What do you do when it just dont fit???

We have all face the challenge of out growing things we love. Our favorite pair of Express jeans. That cute polo you held on to from the 12th grade that was once baggy but now grabs your boobs pushing them together and makes them look school girl sexy. The strappy funk me sandals you wore to the club before you had the kids. Now they hurt and although you can actually put them on and wear them as long as no walking is involved. As we out grow things we love we eventually come to peace with them and get new things we may not love as much but they fit. We get new jeans that fit better in the right places with a higher waist and a little more but room. We give up the polo that looks like a baby shirt and replace it with a respectable work appropriated sexy but authorative button down. My point is we move on.

But, what do we do when we outgrow our relationships. When all of sudden for reasons you can't recall the two you just don't fit. You try to figure out who out grew who and when did it happen.
Just like your favorite jeans weren't you just great together a week ago. Now, you are uncomfortable and although you can squeeze into it and make it look like it fits something doesn't feel ...well quite right. Everyday interactions at times feel forced and uncomfortable like when you try to sit down in those now to small jeans.

I still have my favorite Express jeans. Occasionally when a busy life and poor eating habits get the best of me I can wear them. The bliss is temporary I get a couple good wearings. I think I look hot and about the third attempt I have to suck in to try to button them. I fold them up and back in the closet on the shelve they go. Sometimes I even take them out to reminense about all the great times we had. Hmmm..

Relationships are like your old polo or your jeans. When you out grow them it is properly permanent. Since I haven't amde my decision or accepted it. I guess I will keep trying this relationship on to see if it's really tight in the hips and snug on the butt until there is no denying to either one of us it just don't fit anymore. For either one of us.

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