Friday, June 29, 2007

Men are so freakin’ selfish. It never cease to amaze me how they can completely eclipse a “real” problem with some bull…crap. Today I have had it. While the significant other is in Arizona (blazin’ out our new future) I have to hear him complain about well..everything.

Why can’t men be ..I don’t men. So he is there and low on money. No surprise there. But, he knows like I know I am here too. I am maintaining the house and all the kids (yours,mines and ours!!) he is taking care of his own damn self. But, I am suppose to break my neck to make sure he has some money in his pockets. I am all for taking care of my house but, when rations are low ain’t it the man that goes out and hunts for the rations...RIGHT. I played the good wifey role and “held it down” when he lost his job. I even put on my old, too-tight high-school cheer leading uniform and cheered for him kept up his self esteem and convinced him it was ok to leave Colorado to find work.

One of my eternal friends told me that I can sum it up with one statement. MEN ARE DUMMIES. That is so super true. Today it is true in a red neon flashing sign like in Vegas. Urghhh...Dude, I am super irritated. I will not take another “Whoa is me in Arizona call today.” NOT ANOTHER ONE.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I feel ya. I think sometimes we are just so used to seeing the negative that we look for it. Even when it really isn't there. Sometimes it is an opportunity slapping us in the face, begging us to accept it with open arms.

I have faith that your Spousal Unit will see this as his, once he lets go of the old, the comfortable, the familiar.

Keep ya head up!