Thursday, July 05, 2007


said it was a good idea to have a "National Holiday" on a Wednesday. I understand the importance of having July the 4th on the well.. July the 4th. But, this mid-week stuff
suxs. FO REAL. You know all the dang on eating and sitting in the sun I did all day yesterday
I am worn out. Dude, I am mean wiped. I look it to. Only one side of my hair wanted to comb today. Coincidentally it's the side I didn't sleep on. Oh, and my pants right now are reminding me just how much cow and pork I slammed down my throat yesterday. They are so tight my right leg is numb.

Then to top it all off I am super duper sleepy. Why in hell won't they invent silent fireworks.
For them suckers being illegal all of the over the state they sure were going off. All over the state. What exactly were the police doing? I thought they were everywhere you went to monitor that loud ass shit. Nope I think they were lighting them too.

Dang I'm sleepy!!!

1 comment:

Destined for Greatness said...

agreed! I had to go home and take a nice long nap yesterday.